Camera Sheets
  • Designed To Log Cameras, Lenses,  Shot Metadata and Other Project Information
  • Generate Beautiful PDF reports
  • Add a custom project logo
  • Create Detailed reports for Shots, Lenses and Cameras
  • Speedy Logging of Information
  • Attach the reports to email and send to a list of recipents for effortless distribution
  • Quickly edit and update shot metadata
  • Sharing is caring! Share projects with other camera department members or crew
  • No more writing Reports by hand in the back of the camera truck at lunch time or after wrap!
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Extensive Metdata Reporting

As cameras and workflows on Film and TV production become ever more complex, camera reports are more essential than ever for editorial, post-production and VFX.  Camera Sheets can log extended information for each shot, including detailed camera and lens information.      


Set up the overall project, cameras, lenses and email distribtion list during prep. While shooting logging scene, slate, take and other shot info is quick and easy.  Export the reports and email them to your distribution list with a few taps.  No more having to scan or take photos of camera reports after wrap.       


Ever get emailed after the main filming has finished asking for information of missing reports?  With Camera sheets you have all your projects and data close at hand to easily re-create reports, or track down a lens for that grid test VFX are asking for.